Understanding Your Role: A Quick Guide to User Groups and Permissions
To help you better understand your user role and permissions within our platform, we've prepared a handy set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Whether you're a Workspace Owner, an Administrator, a Collaborator, a Pay In Only, or a Viewer, this guide will provide clarity about what you can do.
What can a Workspace Owner do?
As a Workspace Owner, you have full account access and control. This includes permission to execute all operations, from payment transactions to team member management.
How is the Administrator role different from Workspace Owner?
Administrators have almost the same level of access as Workspace Owners. However, Administrators cannot manage (invite/edit) team members. Administrators are useful if they manage the day-to-day operations of your payments platform and are required to instruct other team members to make payments.
What are the responsibilities of a Collaborator?
Collaborators can facilitate all payment transactions. However, they do not have the ability to add bank accounts or crypto wallets. A user should be added as a collaborator if they are responsible for making payments in and out of the platform across both FIAT and Crypto payment types.
What does a Pay In Only role entail?
The Pay In Only role is very specific. Individuals with these permissions are only allowed to perform pay-ins. Users should be added as Pay In Only if they are required to collect funds from customers, but not required to make any payments to suppliers/partners you work with.
What can a Viewer do?
As the name implies, a Viewer can view all transactions. They can also export reports, but they do not have permission to perform transactions or make changes. A 'Viewer' role is beneficial for team members who are tasked with generating reports and managing accounting but are not in charge of processing payments.
What can a Compliance-Plus role do?
A team member with role Compliance Plus can access the BVNK Payment Support section which hosts the Case Management Portal. The Compliance role can access and respond to any Requests for Information cases raised by the BVNK Compliance team. The Compliance Plus role can also access other parts of the BVNK Merchant Portal similar to a team member with Viewer role.
What can a Compliance role do?
A team member with role Compliance can access the BVNK Payment Support section which hosts the Case Management Portal. The Compliance role can access and respond to any Requests for Information cases raised by the BVNK Compliance team. The Compliance role is restricted to other parts of the BVNK Merchant Portal.
Wallets | Workspace Owner | Admin | Collaborator | Pay In Only | Viewer | Compliance-Plus | Compliance |
See the total balance | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
View wallet list and wallet balances | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
View wallet transactions and transaction details | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Export wallet transaction as a CSV | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Create a new wallet | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Search for a wallet | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Rename a wallet | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View FIAT deposit details | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Initiate a FIAT withdrawal | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View Crypto receive address details | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Initiate a Crypto withdrawal | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Initiate a trade (convert FIAT to Crypto and vice versa) | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Payments / Channels | Workspace Owner | Admin | Collaborator | Pay In Only | Viewer | Compliance-Plus | Compliance |
View table | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
View table transactions and transaction details | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Export table transactions as CSV | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
View payment risk status* | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View hosted payment page* | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No |
View full payload | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | Yes | ✕ No |
Create Pay Outs | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No |
Create Pay Ins | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No |
Create Channel | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No |
Contacts | Workspace Owner | Admin | Collaborator | Pay In Only | Viewer | Compliance-Plus | Compliance |
Create Contact | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Send to the contact | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Create Pay Ins to Contacts | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Settings | Workspace Owner | Admin | Collaborator | Pay In Only | Viewer | Compliance-Plus | Compliance |
View business account details | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Create or edit Merchants | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | X No | No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
See Merchant List | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Create and Manage Channels | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕ No |
See Channels List | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕ No |
Create and Manage Bank Accounts | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No |
Add or remove Bank Accounts | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View Bank Accounts | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ Yes | No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Create and Manage beneficiaries | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕ No |
Manage Crypto Addresses | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No | ✕No |
See beneficiary list | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✕No | ✕No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Create or edit API Keys | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View API Keys | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | Yes | ✕No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
Manage and invite new users | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No |
View users on the account | ✓Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Profile | Workspace Owner | Admin | Collaborator | Pay In Only | Viewer | Compliance-Plus | Compliance |
View your profile | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes |
Edit your profile (change password) | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes |
Enable 2FA | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓Yes | ✓ Yes |
Change your base currency | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes | ✕ No |
Payment Support | ✓ Yes | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✕ No | ✓ Yes | ✓ Yes |