If you receive crypto payments through BVNK’s platform, you can choose to be automatically settled in a fiat currency like EUR, GBP or USD.
We aim to process your settlement within one working day. However, factors like currency, time zone, and working hours might lead to next-day settlement.
Below are the average settlement times for BVNK customers for popular currency pairs (data collected January-March 2024).
Receiving currency | Settlement currency | Avg settlement time with BVNK |
USDC | GBP | T+0 |
USDC | EUR | T+0* |
USDC | USD | T+0* |
BTC | GBP | T+0 |
BTC | EUR | T+0* |
ETH | GBP | T+0 |
ETH | EUR | T+0* |
SOL | GBP | T+0 |
SOL | EUR | T+0* |
*if the payment is submitted before the bank cut-off time.