What should I do in case of a late payment?

Due to blockchain issues or end-user errors, some payments may arrive even after their original expiry time has elapsed.


Managing late payments

You can get in touch with our BVNK Support team to enable or disable "Auto convert late payments". Read the differences below:

Auto convert late payments enabled

The payment amount will automatically be credited to your wallet. If an FX conversion is required then the FX rate at the time of receiving the payment will be used.  No action is required. 

Auto convert late payments disabled

The payment amount will automatically be credited to a crypto wallet (in the currency of the payment received). This allows you to decide whether to refund the payment or to manually convert the payment into your Merchant Identities (MID) wallet.


Alternatively, you can also manually refund the amount received after the payment was expired or convert it into a different currency:



Returning the payment amount to the original end-user:




Converting the payment amount into your Merchant Identities (MID) wallet:




Read more about payment exception scenarios in our tech docs

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